Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Short Work Week (this is not a rant)

This week is a short work week.  The Barangay and SK elections (a national holiday) were held yesterday (29 October) and we have two more holidays All Souls Day and All Saints Day on Thursday and Friday respectively.  And all we have left is today and tomorrow for work.  I am not complaining and this is not a rant.  In fact, I am perfectly happy that we have this short work week.  In principle, at least.
However, things at work have come to head because of this.  I was given two projects to manage and for turnover from the current Coordinator, and her last day of work is tomorrow.  Normally this would have been just a matter of paperwork but one of the projects have some updates needed on a daily basis -- at nine o'clock in the evening.  Additionally, some data clean up is needed before the update.  With only five branches, the data clean up could be done easy.  But once this is rolled out, the data clean up has to be automated. Less user intervention, less data errors and all that entails.
This will be a hectic two days.
And a dentist check up at the end of the week.

30 October 2007


1 comment:

Segundo Persona said...

kuya andoy musta na? daan-daan lang...