Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Blanking Thoughts

Took a leave of absence for today. I needed to get some application forms for college admissions tests for Kenneth. Did some calls first and then the rounds. It was a no-stress kind of exercise.

Kenneth wants to go to Music or Fine Arts, then third choice is Computer Science. Some schools have a more friendly admissions staff than others, and I was able to gather some information, like what's the difference between the Computer Science course with their Information Technology course. One University's staff answered that their CS course is language-heavy (meaning that the CS is taught with computer languages in mind) whereas their IT course is web-dependent. Which leaves the next question as a clincher: Where in the picture is Java? The other school answered that their CS is more on the traditional theoretical based whereas the IT course is on evolving or new technology, including the web. I have no idea if these people have ever been in the wild or the real world of IT. But at least they have a stand. They know what answer to give.

A slow day in the wild. hehehe

27 February 2008


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