Monday, January 05, 2009

The Kid and the Princess (and if she had a choice, she would have wanted to be a Jewish Princess)

I received a text message from a friend of mine this past New Year's Eve. I thought it was an ordinary text message. It came from a long time friend from UPLB and truth is, we don't really try hard to keep in touch. A text message every few months is all we can come up with. Sometimes, I send a text message for an invite to coffee or something, and the reply is along the lines of, "I'm sorry but I can't come because I'm in the _______ (fill in the blanks: Mindanao, two time zones away, etc.)

There are times I wake up in the middle of the night after having a dream about her. The dreams border on nightmares. And I force myself to wake up, and I do. I wake up with a scream, a shudder, sweating, and shaking.

I admit I have carried a lot of emotional baggage because of her. All 25 years of baggage.

Somehow the latest text message was a pleasant surprise. It was an affirmation, or a recognition of what I am to her. It was a good day when I received that simple line she sent.

Now I can stop pining.

Yup, roses are black... sometimes.

5 January 2009


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