Monday, August 23, 2004

Old Friends at weddings

I went to a friend's wedding last Friday and I got a nice surprise. Several, in fact. Though the heavy vehicular traffic was quite uncommon I still was able to arrive in time for the bride's march down the aisle. Maybe the traffic was not uncommon really, as I have not been out on a Friday afternoon for I don't know how long.

That I got in time was mainly because I thought the wedding would start at 3:00pm. I got to the church at 4:00pm. The church was fairly empty as it was mostly close friends and relatives, and some officemates of the bride and groom.

A real surprise happened when one of the bride's officemates -- her boss actually -- approached me and introduced herself as Pam, a dorm mate from UPLB. After almost 20 years, she still recognized me, if only because I haven't added too much poundage. I on the other hand had to scramble to remember who she was. She introduced herself, we had a small chat just to touch base and she had to return to her seat.

After quite a while trying to remember faces and names from the Men's Dorm residents, I was able to put name to face. She was a gangling girl back then, somewhat gawky and tall compared with the general female population of the Los Banos. But what I remembered was that she was enrolled in a block which was handled by a close friend of mine, Monina Tayag. Pam also mentioned that she took up engineering during college, and that would make her an org-mate of my former roommate Dan, as well as a slew of other close friends.

During the wedding there were several photographers who did not look like the regular wedding photographers. Turned out that the guys who took the wedding pictures were upper echelon professional photographers. Two of them were carrying high-end Canon EOS cameras. I was not able to get the camera make of the other photographer. Only later during the latter part of the reception did I notice that these both had preview LCDs at the back of the camera! They were digital EOS cameras. Great! The other camera? It was a film-based camera, of that I was sure as the photographer had to reload film during the wedding.

I had to go to work after the wedding, and went straight to the office. I took a short nap at the desk as I was afraid that if I went to the sleeping quarters, I won't be able to wake up on time for my shift.

That was a fun day. Practically took less than 2 hours of sleep from 10:30 Thursday evening until 11:00 Saturday morning. Woke up around 10:00pm Saturday and prepared to go to work. Great! That Saturday did go fast!



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