Tuesday, November 09, 2004

A Man and A Woman (rev.1.2)

A Man and A Woman

He was looking at her
blind to the world around
staring and gazing
intent yet soft

likewise she was
with eyes melting
scanning his face
from across the table

did it matter that they were alone
in a restaurant
in the afternoon
with tables clothed in white
dotting the dining area for customers later to come

framed the couple was
by the glass window
where their table nests
and in return
the glass window
frames the world outside
as an urban landscape
which neither notice
as the world whirls
walks bay and passes them
and notice them not

the eyes talk
their silence speaks
they know where they are
and wait in silent anticipation
of what is to come
hands linger speaking language old
speaking words deep
deeper than what words can convey
much deeper than what ears can hear

interminably long the waiter waits
approaches and asks the waiter's question
"What will you have?"

The man understands but does not hear
attention he has for the woman
sitting across the table
also sitting silent and knowing what to ask
hoolding his hands and knowing what she has and needs
the empty spaces between words and other noise
they have covered and breached
the couple
the man and the woman
understand the now
and not care for then and there

the man speaks to the waiter
and orders

"Do you have...

"a room?"

--andoy, 9 November 2004 (Rev. 1.2)


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