Tuesday, November 02, 2004


Undas, November 1. Tatay and Mama went to Bolinao Friday evening and
arrived there safely before 4:00am. Me, Lilia and the kids went to my
in-laws in Novaliches last Saturday and we'll be there till tomorrow,
Nov. 1. Only Irene, Dong and Raul stayed at home.

Holy Days like these are really for family. And for remembering
family. Although local observance is unlike American Halloween, there
was a point in time when, as Tatay and Mama recall, they did go
trick-or-treating (pinoy style), nangangaluluwa. That was supposedly
when they were still in their teens in Bolinao. They would be in a
group and singing songs in front of houses and others in the gourp
would be chickens or fruit. By candlelight too. Or maybe kerosene
lamps. Crazy.

Local trick-or-treat are sponsored party affairs for kids. Either
these affairs are held within company premises or at the mall. And
kids only. Adults can dress up but not too many costume parties

Here at the office we held our own version of Halloween last Friday.
There was a costume contest and a decor contest, with movies at the
pantry complete with pop corn. This is inline with the
"Americanization" of the agents, of course. Kids also had their own
trick-or-treat. This was held early Friday morning, before the
Thursday night shift ended. About 120 kids were listed. As I was not
on board during the Thursday shift, I was not witness to any mayhem.
But as recounted by one of our agents who brought his son for the
affair, he was able to fill up three plastic pumpkin containers of

Last year, there was a guy dressed up as Sadako from the original
Japanese version of "The Ring." He had long hair so he only needed a
white dress. Supergirl (in a mini-skirt) won though. This year a
tall guy with a goattee dressed up in a St. Paul High School uniform.
That was awesome or frightening, depending on your viewpoint. One
whole account or team, maybe, wore pajamas with wizard hats. Another
team was dressed as fairies, with wings. There was an angel with
halo. The usual black costumes. My boss wore an Argentinian gaucho
hat and poncho. I don't know who won though.

So that whole thing ushered in November. October went too fast. I
hardly blinked and it came and went. Next time I blink, it would be

Looking forward to December.


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