Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Starting Again

I started my new job yesterday, Monday. It was a slow start, admittedly, with no desk, and no computer. The AC socket on the floor has no power yet, as the technician was still working on the cabling. However, auspiciously, I saw an old schoolmate who started working that same day.

Butch has had more programming experience than I have, although I may have an edge being a generalist who'll be on the design end. I look forward to working with him, as I've heard a lot about his job experiences. Seems funny that we would be working together 25 years after high school.

On the other end, we've started talking to two manpower companies about getting java programmers. I've worked with both companies before and I also look forward to getting people from them and working with these people. I just hope that the other people I wanted to work with would be able to join me soon enough.

18 January 2005


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