Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

It was a good season.  But after slogging through a stretch of one and a half months which felt like a very long two months, the whole of December went by so fast.  And I didn't even blink.  Christmas came and went so fast, my head is still spinning.

Really, Christmas came and went.  And I am happy and merry through all of it.  There was one big (and long) Christmas party to start things off.  And then there was a Christmas party for our company's Alabang staff, after Christmas and before New Year.  That was quiet, uneventful, but significant for the bonding time it afforded us the employees.  (Which meant that though most of the guys got drunk, they weren't drunk enough; shop talk and gossip was at a minimum; and lots of good ribbing and roasting.)  And then we were off for a long weekend preparing and celebrating the New Year.

Yes, a Happy New Year to all.

There's food, fruits, cheese and wine in the fridge.  I know no one with a New Year's Day injury.  I am looking forward to the year ahead, looks good from where I'm standing.  December (and Christmas just past) was okay as far as my experience goes.  Not the best, but a whole lot better than most, thanks in part to the four-day weekends.

After all of that, and though I kept it to myself, I was most enthusiastic about the last package given to us last night.  It was a small newspaper wrapped package of danggit, which my mom gave Lilia, with instructions to wash off the salt first before cooking.

2 January 2008 

PS:  If this sounds disjointed, that's because it is.  First working day and the first migraine of the year.  --same


1 comment:

Stephie Cruz said...

hello andoy!

Happy New Year! Glad to see you're blogging again. Wishing you and your family a great 2008!

All the best!
