Sunday, September 12, 2004

of blogging (finally got to that one)

After reading some other blogs, I came to the conclusion that bloggers are required to be slightly crazy. And I admit I am over-qualified.

There are a lot of bloggers out there. And they range from political ranters (me included) to teen-age kids who don't have think they want to be thirty someday. In between are a lot of introverts who need people to talk to (maybe because they talk to themselves too much) and extroverts who need an outlet for their hobbies, music, activities and what not (of which I have no idea where they get the time to do those things and still write or blog about it).

In the USA there are a lot of blog entries about the upcoming elections 9/11 and partying during this past Labor Day. Across the globe, teens and young adults (early twenties) are practically discussing the same things, partying, or socializing in schools. Professionals give comments on common everyday events from their own professional background or viewpoint (say politics from a psychiatrists viewpoint.)

Whereas before a lot of these things would have been written down on diaries, nowadays these have been edited to be readable on blogs. There are some blogs which detail intimate encounters or even sex lives, editing not for reportorial purposes, but to tickle the reader, and maybe exaggerate a little (or a lot).

In a way, this is a liberating venue. Maybe not as much creative possibilities as a "full" web-site which would be interactive with the reader in every way. But definitely it gives an opening for writing anything or almost anything. Within the limits of the blogger host.

I guess I'd be looking at other blogs with a more open mind, particularly those rants which really shout at you from the opposite end of the (political, social, international, sexual) spectrum.



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