Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Poems, and other sundries

I've not written any poems for the past 17 or 18 years. It's not that I was any good. But I had the discipline then to write. Maybe I'll write again soon.

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My friend Schel is getting married soon. As far as I can see, she might get married sooner than another friend, Sawfin. Who knows. With regards wedding days, I'll mark it on my calendar a week before the even, and not before.

Not that I believe in marriage or weddings, but that I don't want to be more excited than the bride( or more frightened than the groom.)

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I think that next year should be a good year to get married. For that matter, this year and last were also good years to get married or to have gotten married. Thinking about it, any year should be a good year to get married.

Getting married has nothing to do with the economy. In fact, it is a protest against an economic downturn, because it means that the couple believes in the future. A future together.

For better or for worse...

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Since my mom had her own cell phone, she started collecting cellphone jokes. That in itself is a very funny. She writes down the jokes into her notebook.

The really funny part is that every so often she lets loose from some new joke she had written down. During breakfast. Just when she has just risen in the morning and I've just come in from the graveyard shift. Now that is mean!

The good news is that she now knows how to deliver a joke. Whereas before she'd be laughing about two lines before the puchline, now she delivers the jokes with a straight face. An improvement, if ever there was one.



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